They also had the cutest baby contest and I again thought, "why not"? We stood before 3 college aged girls while they looked her over. It was the weirdest thing actually. Very uncomfortable for me. Anyways, they said the winner would be announced at 4:45 later that afternoon. I really didn't want to go back but then I thought, "why not, she could win". So I woke up from my lovely afternoon nap to hurry up to get there to find out that she didn't win. There was a lot of other parents that thought their kids was the cutest as well because it was so crowded! Oh btw...before I ever entered her in the contest Nick said, "she isn't going to win, she has been sick". Glad she has support from at least one of her parents. Vivian, I think you are beautiful and I really thought your named was gonna be called!!
I found this photo booth to take our pics is how our pics turned out. Their not the greatest but there wasn't any delete button or re-dos!
where was that at? it sounds right up my alley.
I saw a commercial for that coming up at the cox convention center. Sounds fun!
Jess, I was at the Expo Center at the Fair grounds here in Tulsa. Looks like there was one in OKC too. Move back and we can go together!
I would have have Vivi would have won. I think she so adorable with her bows. I think she is always a winner. Just for the record I think softball is awesome and girls are better than boys. We can play sports in makeup and never mess it up!!
She has my vote for the cutest!
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