Sunday, March 7, 2010

Baby Fest

We went to check out Baby Fest and Family Expo this weekend. I wasn't sure what all to expect but we were pleasantly surprised. It was free to get in and they had booths that had anything and everything to do with families. They had a diaper derby contest where babies crawled on a piece of carpet for 15 feet. I thought, "why not"? So while the boys were playing on the Jupiter Jumps, I encouraged Vivian to give it all she had. She took her time checking out the cool blue carpet and finished in 28 seconds...the winner won with a time of 6 seconds! Maybe softball is her sport, she sure can chunk her pacifier clear across the room.
They also had the cutest baby contest and I again thought, "why not"? We stood before 3 college aged girls while they looked her over. It was the weirdest thing actually. Very uncomfortable for me. Anyways, they said the winner would be announced at 4:45 later that afternoon. I really didn't want to go back but then I thought, "why not, she could win". So I woke up from my lovely afternoon nap to hurry up to get there to find out that she didn't win. There was a lot of other parents that thought their kids was the cutest as well because it was so crowded! Oh btw...before I ever entered her in the contest Nick said, "she isn't going to win, she has been sick". Glad she has support from at least one of her parents. Vivian, I think you are beautiful and I really thought your named was gonna be called!!

I found this photo booth to take our pics is how our pics turned out. Their not the greatest but there wasn't any delete button or re-dos!

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Jessica said...

where was that at? it sounds right up my alley.

Kayla said...

I saw a commercial for that coming up at the cox convention center. Sounds fun!

April said...

Jess, I was at the Expo Center at the Fair grounds here in Tulsa. Looks like there was one in OKC too. Move back and we can go together!

Blessed Momma said...

I would have have Vivi would have won. I think she so adorable with her bows. I think she is always a winner. Just for the record I think softball is awesome and girls are better than boys. We can play sports in makeup and never mess it up!!

Natalie Hudkins said...

She has my vote for the cutest!