Our blog can be Vivian's baby book, right? I have done better updating the blog instead of her baby book! Oops. I like to keep record of all the things she is doing so I don't forget. They grow up so fast and life is so crazy and this will help me remember all these great memories.
She is 26 inches and 17lbs.
Laid back personality
Sleeps 12-14 hours at night and takes 2 naps on most days
Wears 6-9 month clothes
Has tiny feet and most shoes will not fit right
She pulls her bows out now and chews on them
Has her two bottom front teeth
Favorite baby food is apples and cherries but eats anything and everything!
Feeds herself finger foods and her bottle although we still hold her and act like she needs to be held and rocked while she gives her bottle to herself.:)
Crawls all over the place. Wanders off with brother to the bathrooms and plays camp out underneath the jumparoo.
Absolutely crazy about Austin
Goes bonkers and starts bouncing up and down when Nick gets home from work
Says mama..Jan 9th
Kicks like crazy during diaper changes
Loves to put her fingers in your mouth...drives me crazy
Pulls herself up, stands holding on to furniture
Enjoys her bath and splashes all over the place
Waves hi
Wants to touch everything...loves phones and has made a call or two
Loves to be praised and clapped for
Is shy around new people and will bury her head in my shoulder
Looks up when she hears her name
Loves her pacifier
Watches Praise Baby videos...zones in on them
Tries to play with Austin's cars
9 months old today!
Those darn shots!
sooo cute!
Sounds like you hit the baby jackpot! I love, love, love her! She is so adorable and I wish I could rock her while she takes her bottle!
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