Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vivian's 4 month well baby check

Yes, I took the camera with me. Nick was a little embarrassed but what else do I have to blog about? Vivian was a trooper. She flirted with the dr. and was just fine till the 4 shots! She conked out in her car seat for some time after the appointment from all the trauma. I can't believe my baby is almost 5 months! They will only be this young once!

Here are her current stats...

Weight 12 lbs 11 ounces 13th percentile
Height 24 inches 18th percentile
Head Circumference 45th percentile

Leaving to go to the appt...Austin is happy it isn't him getting the shots. He did get flu mist squirted up his nose though.

Nick and Vivi

Me and Vivi

Doesn't every girl like to be weighed?

Listening to those lungs

Tummy time...checking head strength I guess

The yucky, sticky rotavirus stuff

And the shots!

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Jessica said...

i can't believe she's already four months old! she's so cute with all of her bows!

Natalie Hudkins said...

I am glad you took the camera! So precious. :)
Miss you- we need a long phone chat soon.