So Austin has a pretty bad diaper rash from slip n sliding earlier this week in a wet swim diaper. We have been using Boudreaux's Butt Paste to heal his rash. It was healing but we went swimming last night and he actually asked to go home to get his medicine because his rash hurt. Well, tonight I had a stomach ache and I told Austin that it hurt....a few seconds later he went and got the Butt Paste out and wanted to put some on my stomach. What did I do? I let him put the sticky, thick and stinky Butt Paste on my stomach. He asked me if I was all better and I told him yes and thanked him for taking care of his mommy. The stuff really is awesome so if you are a mom and don't use it, you should definitely try it.
They learn so much from us at this age and soak up everything we do and say...that can be both good and scary at the same time.