Thursday, September 23, 2010

San Diego Day 6


LEGOLAND!!!! I showed Austin the website of Legoland about a month ago. He didn’t quite get that we had to wait another 4 weeks to get there. Once we got to CA he had to wait another 4 days until we went to Legoland. I think it was everything he had hoped it would be and more. As for Vivian, she got to ride about one ride and just watched Austin from the sidelines. IMG_6590There are definitely some talented people who work at Legoland and make all the fascinating models. Who knows it could be anyone’s kiddos making those models someday.   For anyIMG_6515 of you who want to visit Legoland, there is a new Hilton directly behind the park that has all kinds of all things Legos.




1 comment:

Jay said...

Jefferson would have so much fun there. Looks like you had a good time!